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Common Computer and Internet Fraud Schemes

Technology is a constant factor in almost everyone’s life, and as technology advances, fraudsters figure out to exploit it for their gain. One way fraudsters get access to computers and systems is through social engineering.



Cybersecurity Basics for Business | Federal Trade Commission

Watch this video to learn some cybersecurity basics and learn how to put them into practice in your business.



The Importance of Hotlines and Reporting Mechanisms for Preventing Fraud

An effective reporting mechanism, such as a hotline, is one of the most valuable tools for detecting and preventing fraud. Learn more about how reporting mechanisms help in the fight against fraud.

Maintaining a hotline or reporting mechanism increases the chances of earlier fraud detection and reduces losses. Fraud awareness training encourages tips through reporting mechanisms.




Why do people commit fraud?

Explore how pressure, opportunity and rationalization — called the Fraud Triangle — can come together to influence an individual to commit fraud.

Recognizing the behavioral clues displayed by fraudsters can help organizations more eectively detect fraud and minimize their losses.


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